Jul 25, 2020
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Voice of the past. Ep:1 Life and photography

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“Voice of the past” is an initiative by Studio KCT to reach out to its far spread alumni and leverage their experiences for the betterment of our club, its members and the institution.

Club name: Studio KCT
Event name: Voice of the past.
Date: 24/7/2020
Time: 6:00pm
Budget: nil
Event coordinator: Bharath
Contact number: 9944446250
Topic: Life and photography

Since this event focusses on contacting people from our alumni community and creating a platform for the speakers as well as the audience to obtain soul searching experiences in related fields we worked on it by contacting our alumni and analysing what might turn out to be an interesting and engaging topic.

This has been planned as a bi-monthly online event. With that being said we had 2 amazing alumni of ours

Mr Rangaraj Ravichandran
Civil engineering 2014 – 2018
President StudioKCT 2017-2018
Mr Saravana Kumar S
Textile technology 2014 – 2018
Treasurer StudioKCT 2017-2018

to headstart this event for us. They shed light on life and photography.

The event saw a partaking of 32 people not just from our current batch but from our alumni too.

We made this event reach out to its target audience through appropriate poster and event description through social media.

The way the speakers put forward the aspects that stood out to them in photography be it courage, perspective, patience to actually communicating with a subject that is not human but wild and ferocious was edgy and beautiful.

The event had some errors with time management which we will work on and eliminate the next time. With all the learnings from this talk we hope we are a step closer towards making a positive impact.

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art · Life · Reunion · Skill Developmet · Startup · Straight from the heart